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Financial information
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Balance Sheet (Unit: won)
Financial Items 2023 2022 2021
Amount Amount Amount
Current Assets(Total) 6,005,640,556 7,521,798,832 4,663,896,619
Non-Current Assets(Total) 11,728,465,278 8,940,774,427 20,466,578,797
Total Assets 17,734,105,834 16,462,573,259 25,130,475,416
Current liabilities (total) 1,933,786,569 6,144,425,938 20,529,937,792
Non-current liabilities (total) 1,363,027,352 5,274,636,781 4,278,384,078
Total Liabilities 3,296,813,921 11,419,062,719 24,808,321,869
Capital 13,292,149,000 6,417,149,000 6,282,894,500
Capital surplus 14,408,633,679 87,648,486,740 78,444,811,240
Retained Earnings -16,601,020,480 -89,388,801,129 -83,726,396,605
Other 3,337,529,714 366,675,929 -679,155,588
Total Equity 14,437,291,913 5,043,510,540 322,153,547
Income Statement (Unit: Million won, %)
Financial Items 2023년 2022년 2021년
Amount Amount Amount
Sales Revenue 6,653,505,252 5,993,109,590 6,100,992,745
Gross Profit (Loss) 3,448,216,758 757,858,991 614,751,378
Operating Profit (Loss) -4,108,106,865 -4,839,456,021 -3,389,093,735
Non-operating Income 4,723,646,379 5,323,322,373 9,383,784,063
Non-operating Expenses -295,621,707 -4,285,613,232 -12,505,625,410
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period -433,113,825 -4,346,315,452 -7,297,927,366

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